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Nina In New York: Here Comes The Sun

A young professional's take on the trials and tribulations of everyday life in New York City.

By Nina Pajak

After having two weeks to adjust to the whole "spring forward" thing, I've made a decision: I love daylight-saving. I don't care how cold it is, I don't care if it snows again or we get Thunderhail or a slush storm or whatever this crazy, damaged weather system still plans to throw our way. Speaking of which, I have had it with people questioning the validity of global warming "because it's so cold outside!" What? Seriously. Just…no. I don't even know what to say in response to that, and I've heard it a shocking number of times.

See Also: Users Complain iPhone Clock Bungles Daylight-Saving Time

Anyway, daylight-saving. On the one hand, it completely freaks me out. How can a government suddenly decide to alter time? It's an abstract concept with a very concrete application, and it ought not be so easily futzed with. And how can Arizona just abstain? What makes them different? It seems like one of those all or nothing situations. If we can't all agree, it's just not going to work. Though that does present the opportunity for some extremely tricky SAT math word problems involving trains leaving Albuquerque at a speed of 85 mph and arriving in Tuscon at what hour, factoring in the interstate space-time continuum gap. Show your work.

Right. Then on the other hand, it's light outside! I can deal with a little time-twisting if it means that the sky is still blue when I get off the subway in the evening. The whole world just looks better with those extra hours of sun. People are a little less hurried, a little more content and patient with one another. Maybe people shove each other a little less on Sixth Avenue. Possibly, we're willing to wait a little longer in the coffee line while someone fumbles with his exact change. A little.

See Also: New York Isn't America's Rudest City

Let's be real, it's not like the clock springs ahead an hour and we're suddenly all transported to Pleasantville, USA, but who needs that? A little is enough. The dogs get an extra trip to the park, we all get another shot at some naturally-absorbed vitamin D, and the night just feels a little more relaxed.

So relaxed, in fact, that a nice glass of wine really feels in order. Or maybe two. Why not? We've got time.


Dear Readers: While I am rarely at a loss for words, I'm always grateful for column ideas. Please feel free to e-mail me your suggestions.

Nina Pajak is a writer and publishing professional living with her husband on the Upper West Side.

The Nina Archives:

Nina In New York: Home Sweet JFK

Thank You, Law & Order

Rites Of Spring

Art Is In The Air

Get Out Of My Way... Please

Tales From The Dog Run

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