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Newark's Science Park High School Vies For Visit From President Barack Obama

NEW YORK (AP/CBSNewYork) - Internet voting began Thursday as six high schools vie to have President Barack Obama deliver the commencement speech for this year's graduating seniors.

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In its second year, the Race to the Top High School Commencement Challenge invited the nation's public high schools to demonstrate how their school best prepares them for college and a career. The six finalists were chosen from hundreds of applications.

From Thursday through April 29, the public is asked to view and rate video presentations from each school. The three schools with the highest average rating will be sent to President Obama for a final selection.

Those interested in voting can go to to watch the videos and make a selection.

The finalists are: Bridgeport High School in Bridgeport, Wash.; Wayne Early Middle College High School in Goldsboro, N.C.; Booker T. Washington High School in Memphis, Tenn.; Science Park High School in Newark, N.J.; Pittsburgh CAPA 6-12, School for Creative and Performing Arts in Pittsburgh; and High Tech High International in San Diego.

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