New Yorkers Head Out In Search Of The Perfect Christmas Tree
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- There are less than three weeks until Christmas and many families have started to head out in search of Christmas trees.
They come in all shapes and sizes and everyone seems to have their own strategy for picking one out, CBS 2's Vanessa Murdock reported Friday.
"The fullness, the height, the top was very straight on it," Herminio Robles said as he described his perfect tree.
Looks are important but so is freshness if you want a tree that will survive the season.
"Sometimes they'll have a few brown needles on the inside, that's normal. But, if they're starting to lose green needles that's a bad sign," Tom Manza said.
Manza said he has been growing and selling trees on the Manza family farm for 25 years. He suggested shaking the tree to check for freshness.
If you have a problem with dropped needles, then a Douglass fir is the way to go, experts said. Frazier firs are also known for their needle retention, and both trees are known to have long life spans.
Balsams and Spruces generally only last about two weeks.
Once you have found the right tree you will need the right stand.
"It's important to buy a stand based on, not just the height of the tree, but the fullness as well," Manza said.
A small stand may not hold enough water for a 6-foot tall tree, and a large stand may offer too much wiggle room for a smaller tree.
The base should be cut one to two hours before the tree is placed in the stand. It it's not then sap will seal the base and you will have to get the saw out again.
Trees tend to be thirsty when they are first brought home, so they should be watered twice on the first day. After that the tree stand can be filled once a day.
Hydrated trees are less likely to catch fire.
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