New Poll Focuses On Ground Zero Mosque
NEW YORK (WCBS 880/AP) - A new poll focuses on whether a proposed Islamic center near Ground Zero should voluntarily be moved.
LISTEN: WCBS 880's Rich Lamb reports
A Quinnipiac University poll asking "Do you think it is appropriate to build a mosque and Islamic center near ground zero, or do you think it would be wrong to do so?" found that 57 percent of New Yorkers say it would be wrong to build an Islamic cultural center and mosque on Park Place, two blocks from Ground Zero.
However, Quinnipiac's Maurice Carroll says researches asked another question.
Carroll told WCBS 880 reporter Rich Lamb that the question was "Regardless of whether you think the Muslim group has the right to build a mosque there, do you think the Muslim group should voluntarily build the mosque somewhere else or not, voluntarily? Yes - 67 percent. No - 21 percent."
Eighty percent of those asked do say the developers of the mosque and the cultural center have the right to build.
The poll found sharp divisions among Democrats and Republicans on the proposed mosque. Fifty percent of Democrats say the project is appropriate, while 90 percent of Republicans say it's wrong.
LINK: Full Poll Results