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Mystery From Above In Brooklyn As Chunks Of Ice Fall From The Sky

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- Chunks of ice apparently fell from the sky on an 80-degree day in Brooklyn. The question is, where did they come from?

Terry Blasi and Louie Vitale said they were sitting on Blasi's porch on Wednesday when something the size of a softball crashed through the trees.

"All of a sudden something had come down through the trees really loud and then a loud thump on the ground," Vitale told TV 10/55's Dick Brennan on Friday.

The pair raced to the street and found a chunk of ice.

"It must have come through really fast and then thud. It sounded like a bowling ball went through," Blasi said.

Ice was scattered around the street.

"I said, 'Holy [expletive]. Where did this come from?' and we're all looking up all over the sky," Vitale said.

A plane is the most likely suspect as the ice landed on East 36th Street, near John F. Kennedy International Airport.

"Usually they say the ice is blue if it comes from an airplane latrine. But this is solid ice. I think it was something high-flying and it fell off," Blasi said.

Some neighbors offered other theories.

"I hope it's not from outer space. Those things are radioactive," a man named Dave said.

Blasi's family is worried.

"My step-daughter grabbed the baby, panicked, ran, grabbed the baby, said it was extra-terrestrials," Terry said.

Experts said that if it had come from space the impact would have been much worse.

Blais has preserved the ice in her freezer. The Federal Aviation Administration will look at the evidence on Monday. Until then, neighbors said they plan to take precautions.

"Hard hat, Kevlar. I'm gonna look both ways and then look up, left, right, and up," Vitale said.

Blasi said she is dying to know what happened.

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