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New Museum of Jewish Heritage Holocaust exhibit presents history through personal stories

New Holocaust exhibition opens at Museum of Jewish Heritage
New Holocaust exhibition opens at Museum of Jewish Heritage 02:16

NEW YORK -- A new exhibit at the Museum of Jewish Heritage called "The Holocaust: What Hate Can Do" offers a presentation of history told through personal stories.

CBS2's Steve Overmyer was given an early look at some items on view for the very first time.

"Remember, these people saved it from 1939 onward because this represented the quest for freedom for them," exhibit curator Michael Berenbaum said, standing in front of memorabilia from the MS St. Louis.

The ship full of Jewish people seeking asylum was turned away at the shores of America and sent back to Europe to endure the Holocaust.

"As it went back, the cruise turned from a cruise of freedom to a cruise of going back to doom and death," Berenbaum said.

More than 750 artifacts are on display at the Holocaust exhibit to educate -- countless personal stories of the beginning of the journey and too many of the end.

"And remember, Eva kept this teddy bear her entire life. She kept it her entire life because this was the last remnant she had of her home," Berenbaum said.

It's painful for a Holocaust survivor to relive this experience, but Alice Ginsburg came to speak for those with no voice.

"They want the world to know that this should not happen again," she said.

"It's been 77 years since the Holocaust. What has humanity learned in that time?" Overmyer said.

"Unfortunately, they haven't. There's so much indifference and there's danger in indifference," Ginsburg said.

There's a renewed focus on the Holocaust amid a rash of hate speech and hate crimes. The exhibition is meant to help people reflect on the consequences of hate.

"We live in a world in which this unfortunately has echoes to our world ... and we have to remind people that we've told you this story not to weaken you, but to strengthen you. And now it's up to you," Berenbaum said.

The exhibit will be open to the public beginning Friday and running until Nov. 6 at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in Battery Park City. For more information about the museum and the exhibit, visit

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