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Another Report Of Debris Falling From Elevated Train Line, This Time In Brooklyn

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) - The MTA is inspecting an elevated train line after a report of a piece of debris falling and smashing into someone's car.

It happened at Broadway and Myrtle Avenue below the J, M, Z station in Brooklyn.

The debris shattered a car's sunroof.

Full Coverage Of The MTA's Falling Debris Crisis Here

"I'm waiting for the light to turn green and bang, and the car shook," said driver Yasmin Fitzpatrick. "I heard this boom and the car shook, and I froze and started looking around at people because I thought it was an earthquake."

But it wasn't an earthquake. She says it was debris falling from the elevated subway tracks above her. She's not sure what exactly the object was that luckily did not penetrate the shade layer of her SUV's sunroof.

"The blessing for me is that it was closed. Had that been open, the sunroof, do you see that hole in the top?" she said.

It was just before nine and she had been on her way to work. Startled but unharmed, she pulled over called the police.

"I've heard about this on the news before, but you just never think the next one is going to be you when it happens," Fitzpatrick said.

Earlier this week, debris has fell from an elevated subway track onto someone's car.

subway platform debris
A bolt from an elevated subway platform smashes a car roof on Oct. 22, 2019. (Credit: Philip Garcia)

Tuesday morning, a large metal bolt smashed into the sunroof of a vehicle underneath the Queens Plaza N&W subway platform in Long Island City.

"I know that the MTA is overloaded and busy, but you know what? When you have things elevated in the street, you have to be careful. If someone got hit with that instead of a vehicle, would we be having a different conversation today," Fitzpatrick said.

She's glad it didn't happen Thursday.

"I had the open, down, my grandson sitting in the back. I don't even want to think about it," she said.

Passersby on the street stopped to look at the damage on the roof, remarking they can't believe soemthing like this happened.

"That's ridiculous. Just insane. I'm sorry," one person told CBS2's Tara Jakeway.

"Yeah, that's terrifying. I don't even know how that happens. I walk past here all the time so that's really wild," said Bed-Stuy resident Georgia Vickerson.

The MTA showed up to investigate the incident and found no evidence that something fell from a Transit structure.

"The location that is the subject of reports about a vehicle with a damaged sunroof is a decommissioned section of the former Myrtle Avenue line. NYC Transit structures management staff have investigated and have been unable to find any debris that might have led to the damage portrayed. The MTA is continuing to review the matter," said MTA Communications Director Tim Minton.

Vickerson isn't taking any chances.

"Moving forward, I'll probably take a side street and not come down here. That's a little crazy," she said.

As for Fitzpatrick, she plans to repair the sunroof and keep it closed any time she's under MTA structures.

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