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No More MetroCards? MTA To Test New Fare System Where Riders Pay Using Smartphone

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – Could the MetroCard soon be as outdated as the subway token?

The MTA is starting a pilot program, aimed at phasing out the current payment system and making way for new technology.

MTA officials have released their plan for a new fare payment system called OMNY, short for One Metro New York.

Riders would reportedly be able use their smartphone or tablet on future subway and bus readers. Credit, debit, or pre-paid cards could also be used in the OMNY system. The release did not address how riders who use cash to purchase MetroCards or single-ride passes will be accommodated.

Agency employees will begin testing the new equipment at 16 stations starting next week before it becomes available to the public in May.

The MTA says it plans to phase the MetroCard out completely by 2023.

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