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Map Plots What Celebrities Pay For Rent In New York City

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) - Somebody better call Jimmy McMillan.

The website Rentenna, which previously published a "star map" of New York City depicting which celebrities live where are back at it. This time, their map shows what celebrities are paying for rent, allegedly.

The map shows that most celebrities aren't exactly getting sweetheart deals. They're generally paying top dollar.

According to the map, Derek Jeter shells out $15,000 for his Tudor City-area digs. That's 213 percent higher than the average Midtown East rental, according to Rentenna.

Jim Carrey and Meg Ryan are both shelling out a whopping $25,000 a month for their apartments. Carrey is paying 381 percent higher than average for his two bedroom in the West Village, according to the map. Ryan is paying 178 percent higher than average for her SoHo digs.

The figures are suspect, though. In the preamble,  the site makes clear that some of the prices (including Carrey's) are "rumored."

Check out the complete map below.

Apartments for Rent and Rental Buildings Reviews by

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