City Rolls Out Countdown Clocks At Some Bus Stops Across Manhattan
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- The city has rolled out 48 new countdown clocks at some bus stops on Manhattan's East Side.
City Council Member Daniel Garodnick said with more delays below ground this is a help for crucial transportation above ground.
"It communicates to riders not only information that they need to make a decision but it also communicates that the bus is becoming a more modern, and accessible and appealing option," said John Raskin, executive director of the Riders Alliance.
One woman said the clocks are "very accurate" but that sometimes the wait is so long she'd rather walk.
Another woman, who rides the M66, agreed.
"I have to reach work at a certain time, if I know that a bus is two minutes away, I'm going to wait for the bus, if I know the bus is 10 minutes away I'm going to walk," she said.