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Tommy Pasquale walks from New Jersey to California in 143 days

N.J. man walks to California to raise money for homeless veterans
N.J. man walks to California to raise money for homeless veterans 00:44

MANASQUAN, N.J. -- A New Jersey man just finished an incredible journey.

He walked from the East Coast to California in just 143 days, and he only needed 10 pairs of shoes.

Twenty-five-year-old Tommy Pasquale started in Manasquan back in the middle of September and made it to Venice Beach along the Pacific Coast on Friday.

It's all part of a mission to raise money and awareness for veterans experiencing homelessness nationwide.

"I have a lot of family and friends who are veterans and active duty, and I think it's a bit shameful that brave men and women go serve and protect this country and then come home and not have a place to hang their hat at the end of the day," Pasquale said.

He trekked 20-30 miles a day, exploring the nation, while meeting many homeless veterans as he pitched his tent along the way.

He raised $40,000 in GoFundMe donations.

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