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Lunch Break: Marc Murphy In The City

Today's Lunch Break features three different restaurants, with one common thread: Marc Murphy's involvement with each. Choose from an oyster bar slash fish shack, a French-Italian bistro, or a restaurant all about sustainability in today's Lunch Break. By Yvo Sin.

See Also: NYC's Best Celebrity Chef Restaurants

Ditch Plains

100 W 82nd St
New York, NY 10024
(212) 362-4815

29 Bedford St
New York, NY 10014
(212) 633-0202

See Also: NYC's Best Oyster Bars

This casual eatery boasts seafood fresh enough for any seafood lover. Lobster rolls, fish tacos, fish & chips, grilled salmon - any of these are sure to sate the heartiest of eaters, making them the happiest of eaters. Not seafood-inclined? There's plenty on the menu for the land lovers as well - start with the fried pickles, and check out the grilled, marinated skirt steak, for a real treat. Save room for dessert though- ice cream sandwiches are made in-house; ask for the flavor of the day.


179 W Broadway
New York, NY 10013
(212) 343-3883

10 Columbus Circle
New York, NY 10019
(212) 823-6123

See Also: New York City's Best French Restaurants

The first of Marc Murphy's restaurants to open, Landmarc is the flagship, the one from which all others spring. The smoked mozzarella & ricotta fritters (pictured) make you feel as though you're biting into a cheesy cloud of wonder, accompanied by a spicy tomato sauce that zings right through your tongue. The real attraction here, though, is the lovely steak selection - choose your own sauce, and create your own masterpiece. Don't skip dessert though - the petite bites are the perfect size to give you just a little something sweet to finish the meal.


156 10th Ave
New York, NY 10011
(212) 924-4440

Cookshop is all about sustainability, the relationship between the the vitality of a restaurant and the viability of the earth's offerings. The seasonal menu changes as necessary, but a recent lunch menu included trap-caught Montauk squid, served with pinto beans and jalapeno aioli as a starter; other standouts like summer squash panini (DiPalo's ricotta, pickled red onions, spinach, basil pesto) are sure to make you smile as you enjoy your Monday lunch.

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Yvo Sin is the founder and head writer of The Feisty Foodie.

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