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Long Island real estate brokers sued for housing discrimination after undercover investigators posed as renters

Real estate brokers on Long Island sued for housing discrimination
Real estate brokers on Long Island sued for housing discrimination 02:12

LONG ISLAND, N.Y. -- Long Island real estate brokers are being sued for housing discrimination after undercover investigators posed as renters. 

When residents looking for apartments to rent got pushback, a nonprofit housing watchdog group sent undercover testers to meet and call realtors. 

"Without them going out and testing what's going on, out in the community, the real story can't be told," said attorney Frederick Brewington. 

A dozen local real estate companies and brokers are being sued for illegally refusing to rent to those who use government vouchers to pay.

CBS2 contacted several named in the lawsuit who denied the allegations. 

"Keep in mind who voucher holders are. They are families, they are children, they are the disabled and they are veterans who fought for our country," said Aaron Carr, founder and executive director of Housing Rights Initiative. 

"It doesn't just hurt that family, it hurts taxpayers because homelessness is extraordinarily expensive," Carr added. 

The Housing Rights Initiative wants the licenses of brokers who discriminate to be revoked. Real estate professionals are responsible for understanding that housing providers must accept all lawful sources of income.

The Housing Choice Voucher program is federally-funded and administered by the Nassau County Office of Housing. It provides subsidy-based income. Rent is paid directly to the landlord. 

"The insidious aspects of housing discrimination are multi-faceted and this is just one ugly head that needs to get chopped off," said Brewington. 

In the recent past, Long Island realtors have been accused of redlining and steering. Advocates are demanding the state enforce real estate laws. 

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