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Jimmy McMillan, 'Rent Is Too Damn High' Candidate, Faces Eviction

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) -- Is the rent too damn low?

Jimmy McMillan, the man who ran for New York governor because "the rent is too damn high," claims he's being kicked out of his rent-controlled Manhattan apartment so his landlord can charge a new tenant more money.

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McMillan tells the New York Post he pays $872 for his digs on St. Marks Place in the East Village -- which he's had since the late 1970s.

McMillan, who spiraled to national fame following a wild gubernatorial debate and is now planning a run for president, has told his lawyer to file a counter claim for $70,000.

Lisco Holdings, the building's owner, said in court papers McMillan violated his lease agreement because he actually lives in Brooklyn, according to the Post. As per rent-controlled rules, the East Village apartment should be his primary residence.

His son currently lives at the apartment on St. Marks Place.

McMillan insists the apartment is his office, and that he's staying.

The matter is now in Housing Court.

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