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Heritage Hills condo complex takes aim at Willow Wood gun club's planned expansion

Willow Wood gun club's planned expansion triggers neighbors
Willow Wood gun club's planned expansion triggers neighbors 02:03

SOMERS, N.Y. - A north suburban condo complex is taking aim at a planned expansion of a neighboring gun club. 

Residents told CBS New York's Tony Aiello they're worried about noise, safety and environment. 

For 70 years, the Willow Wood clay target shooting club in Putnam County has coexisted with neighbors who tolerate the muffled sound of gunfire Thursday through Sunday. 

"They're entitled to shoot and do whatever they want with their old course," Heritage Hills resident Jack Stein. 

Stein said what upset neighbors is the planned expansion close to the Heritage Hills complex in Somers. 

"They're shooting onto our property. They're shooting at us. We're concerned about our safety. What's going to happen when they start shooting thousands of rounds per day, and we have people who want to walk on our property," 

The gun club cleared part of its 86 acres for a sporting clays course. It's closed due to legal wrangling, but was open for a time in 2018, and the sound of the shooting could be heard. 

"The noise was quite extensive, and it was continuous. It's really alarming," Heritage Hills resident Larry Lattanzi said. 

An environmental group is also alarmed by lead shot it believes is landing on neighboring property. 

"We have now elevated lead levels in our property," Stein said. 

That's why the Somers Land Trust is challenging the gun club expansion in court. But in a court filing, the club's attorney lets loose with the legal equivalent of both barrels, writing "the allegations and accusations are so blatantly wrong... it is difficult to determine if they are the product of intentional misrepresentation (or)... shoddy lawyering." 

The Willow Wood club claims its expansion was carefully studied, properly approved, and environmentally sound. 

Opponents are working with several elected officials hoping to shoot down the plan. 

Willow Wood Club declined our request for an on-camera interview and tour of the site. 

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