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Health Watch: Microskin

NEW YORK ― How many people do you think have a tattoo that they now regret? Then there's birthmarks or skin conditions that aren't life threatening but can be terribly disfiguring.

Now there's something called Microskin that gives people the chance to be normal again.

"I was always aware that I looked different than other girls. And I was aware that I longed to be plain," said Catherine Carella-Dean. It's hard to imagine what an attractive woman like Carella-Dean could be talking about. But watch closely as she explains.

"Growing up with a port wine stain this large and this noticeable was challenging in many respects," she said, describing discoloration that covered nearly half of her face.

It wasn't easy but Catherine developed into a strong, confident woman. Still, professionally, she wanted to camouflage her birthmark, which meant very heavy makeup.

"Eating, drinking coffee, just perspiring naturally while you're in your line of work, working out, it all requires constant touching up," she said.

Then Catherine discovered Microskin. That's what helped her make this remarkable transformation. It's a silicone-based cover up that's sprayed on with a simple airbrush. And because its silicone-based, it's actually like a second skin.

"It adheres to the skin's surface. So it's staying on, it's not going to rub off. You can sweat, you can swim, it's not going to wash off until you take it off," said Dr. Lori Brightman of the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York.

In order to precisely match your skin tone, technicians take computerized readings to get the color just right.

Kathi Wilson went to cover up an ankle tattoo she got during a fun trip to Mexico. In a few seconds, it disappears. "I have a child, work in the corporate world. And I just don't want it. It's not who I am now."

It's not hard to see what Microskin can do for someone like Catherine. "The confidence that I feel on the inside, who I really am, is represented now on the outside," she said.

The way this works is that you go for a consultation at the Microskin Center. They match your color and train you in how to apply the product.

The cost includes the little airbrush device.

The cost can run as high as $2,500 dollars, depending on the package you buy, but it can be life changing.

CBS 2HD's Dr. Max Gomez contributed to this report.

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