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Gyms Using Percussive Therapy Devices To Help With Recovery After Workouts

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – Some gyms are turning to technology to transform traditional workouts and help athletes make the most of their training time.

CBS2's Vanessa Murdock explored how percussive therapy works.

There's the TheraGun, which sounds like a coffee grinder and looks like a power tool, and the Raptor. Both are handheld percussive therapy tools. Each is unique, but they both provide a deep tissue massage on steroids, vibrating your muscles into submission.

Some professional athletes use them courtside, and now some gyms do too, claiming they improve performance.

"Get up feeling renewed, re-energized," Patrick Walsh, master trainer at Crunch on 59 Street, told Murdock.

Walsh said Crunch recently started using the Raptor as part of its new relax and recover program.

"Now, we're able to have our clients go the distance without feeling that mileage of their movement," he said.

He said it takes the place of foam rollers and lacrosse balls to work out the kinks. What takes 15 minutes to accomplish on the floor, the Raptor can do in 1 to 2, and the vibration allows pain receptors to take a backseat.

"The technology makes you feel a lot looser," said Stephen Reich, who said it helps with mobility prior to workouts. "I get deeper into lunges and things like that, more efficient."

Pierre Batraville, a personal trainer at S-10 in Tribeca, said he wants people focused on their workout. That's why he uses the TheraGun throughout his sessions.

"I leave here feeling a little bit less tense," said Jaimie Genatt, who said it can be painful but she loves it so much, she bought herself on.

Dr. David Putrino, director of rehabilitation innovation at Mount Sinai Health System, said the growing popularity of hard core workouts, like Crossfit, gave rise to these types of devices.

Murdock asked Dr. Putrino is the devices are safe.

"I think they're safe to use if you follow the appropriate guidelines," he said, adding you probably shouldn't be using them on a regular basis. "You're probably training too long, too hard or with poor technique."

The TheraGun will set you back $600.

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