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Former ATF Agent Speaks Out On Boston Marathon Bombings

NEW YORK (WLNY) -- With new details coming in on the crude bombs used in the attacks in Boston, how will this help investigators determine who was behind the explosions?

Matthew Horace, Chief Security Officer for FJC Security Service is a former agent for the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. According to him, even the smallest detail can lead authorities to suspects.

"Every lead that you see that law enforcement [is] obtaining...are going to lead to more leads. Investigators are going to take the time they need - this is a step by step process - and slow and steady wins the race," he said. "A wire, a pipe, some explosive. Any clue that they find at the scene might lead to that very next critical elad to help solve this bombing."

One of those clues - a piece of circuit board that they believe was part of the explosive devices, was found near the scene, an official said Wednesday.

"A circuit board may have a variety of things," said Horace. "It might have wires that might have paint codes, wires might have the manufacturer code on the wire, any of those things can be critical and lead us to the very next big lead."

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