Ex-Yankee 'Panic-Stricken' Over Wife-Swap Movie
NEW YORK (WFAN) -- If the walls of old Yankee Stadium could talk.
One of the most bizarre stories in Bronx baseball history may be going Hollywood, and according to the NY Post, one former Yankee in the middle of the narrative is "desperate" to block it.
Mike Kekich is up in arms over "The Trade," a movie being scripted by Ben and Casey Affleck, chronicling the ex-Yankee hurler's famous 1970s wife-swap involving teammate Fritz Peterson.
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A source told the Post, "Kekich is panic-stricken. He has moved away and has a new identity. He is freaked out that those working on the movie found out where he is. He isn't too keen on having the scandal dredged up again after all this time.
"Other Yankees from that time have also been really unhelpful with facts and details of what happened. They are stonewalling."
LISTEN: Boomer & Carton talk with Fritz Peterson on May 19, 2010 about 1970s wife-swapping scandal
The story goes like this: In 1972, Kekich and Peterson joked about swapping wives. In the spring of 1973, word got out that the pitchers actually followed through on it.
But they didn't just trade wives. They also swapped children and pets.
Susanne Kekich married Peterson and the two are still going strong in New Jersey. The story didn't end so well for her former husband.
Mike Kekich cohabitated with Marilyn Peterson for a short stint -- but it wasn't meant to be. Kekich is thought to be remarried and now living with his family in New Mexico.
"I've come to have a little more respect for the Yankees," Affleck told MTV. "There are some of those guys . . . that look like good guys . . . But as an institution? Disdain. Contempt."
It has been hinted that Matt Damon will direct the flick.
Rebecca Hall, Naomi Watts and Rachel Weisz are actresses under consideration to play the swappin' spouses.
Will you go see "The Trade," or should some things be left off the big screen? Let us know what you think in the comments below...