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Sex trafficking survivor helping other survivors through Bronx-based clinic: "There is a possibility for you to live your dreams"

Bronx-based program helps survivors of human trafficking 03:35

NEW YORK -- New York is unfortunately known as being one of the most popular places in the country for human traffickers to do business.

For victims, breaking the cycle is often dangerous and complicated. CBS2's Lisa Rozner spoke to a survivor who is helping them through a unique Bronx-based program.

"I was being recruited at the age of 16. At the age of 18, my trafficker removed me from my home. At the age of 24, I came across a second trafficker," said Gigi, who is not using her real name for safety reasons.

She says she was first sexually trafficked in Manhattan, but it wasn't until a decade later when she was sold to someone in Connecticut that she was able to break free for good.

"I ended up on a Thursday in Connecticut, but by Sunday morning at 2 a.m., I escaped with four other women," she said. "It's human capitalism and it's been taking place since AD times."

Dr. Veronica Ades co-founded the EMPOWER Clinic for Survivors of Sex Trafficking at Jacobi Hospital in 2013.

She says she noticed many women from Latin America were being targeted.

"So somebody posed as a boyfriend, and then said, I got you here, I have no money, you have to do this," Ades said. "There were people who would come from Asia, especially China, thinking they might get a manicure job or something and then they'd be forced into a brothel. I saw people from Europe, eastern Europe, often thinking they were coming for modeling jobs."

Nineteen-year-old runaway Carina Slusser, of Pennsylvania, was last seen at a Queens motel in 2017. Police say her 24-year-old pimp is now in jail, but it's a notorious example of how Americans are just as much a prey to manipulation, especially, Ades says, in cases of "unstable childhood situation, a lot of people from foster care."

"Child abuse, domestic violence, homelessness, poverty," Gigi said.

When someone seeks help, EMPOWER provides OBGYN services and psychiatrists, as well as therapy. An economic empowerment specialist helps with things like resume writing, and today, Gigi is the peer care navigator who walks alongside survivors for any services they seek in public.

"Building up their confidence and learning what their voice sounds like," Gigi said.

The pandemic curtailed in-person outreach but expanded EMPOWER's teleservices.

"We found the silver lining and that was that most people are comfortable with electronic communication," Ades said.

Ades says it is still a challenge, though, for people in violent relationships who don't have private space. It is too dangerous for staff to intervene, so all the organization can do is make people aware it exists.

Gigi says for her, there were financial and personal safety reasons that she couldn't escape, but there was one thing that got her through the toughest times.

"There were hardships and barriers and challenges, so it was hard. I think for me, one thing was I had faith," she said. "What I show our clients is that there is a possibility for you to live your dreams."

There is a national human trafficking hotline you can contact 24/7 at 1 (888) 373-7888. Volunteers speak over 200 languages. You can also text "HELP" or "INFO" to 233733.

For more information about EMPOWER, visit

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