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Derek Jeter Releases 'Jeter Unfiltered' To Commemorate Iconic Baseball Career

Are you a huge Derek Jeter fan? Today's your lucky day. The newly retired New York Yankee has just released Jeter Unfiltered to commemorate his iconic baseball career and you can download an ebook preview right here! Containing the introduction of the book, exclusive photographs, and more, you'll see the Captain as you've never seen him before: unguarded, unapologetic, unfiltered. See below for exclusive photos and and an excerpt.

Excerpt from Jeter Unfiltered:

"I've experienced so many defining moments in my career: winning the World Series as a rookie shortstop, being named the Yankees captain, closing the old and opening the new Yankee Stadium. Through it all, I've never stopped chasing the next one. I want to finally stop the chase and take in the world.
For the last twenty years I've been completely focused on two goals: playing my best and helping the Yankees win. That means that for 365 days a year, my every thought and action was geared toward that goal. It's now time for something new."

Make sure to download the ebook here!

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