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Con Edison proposing double-digit rate hikes for electric and gas. Here's what customers have to say about it.

Con Edison proposes double-digit rate increase for electricity and natural gas
Con Edison proposes double-digit rate increase for electricity and natural gas 02:11

NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y. -- More than 3 million homes and businesses in New York City and the suburbs could face a double-digit increase in natural gas and electric bills.

Con Edison says it needs to raise rates to build and maintain the power grid of the future.

Con Ed's rationale for a big rate hike

The December bill for one New Rochelle apartment is pretty typical. A customer used $199 worth of electricity and Con Ed charged $354 to deliver it, pushing the total bill to $553. Now, the utility is asking for a rate hike that would increase the average electric bill 11.4% and the average natural gas bill 13.3%.

Con Ed says it understands economic challenges facing customers and wants to expand assistance to the most needy, but it sees a pressing need to upgrade infrastructure to better protect from weather-related outages and meet ever-increasing demand for reliable electricity.

Pressure is on the Public Service Commission

Joe Stelling of AARP New York said a shocking number of Con Ed customers already struggle to pay what they owe.

"It's about making a tough choice about keeping the lights on, putting food on the table, filling that prescription," Stelling said. "Almost 500,000 households were over 60 days behind on their utility bills collectively, owing nearly $1 billion."

AARP and other advocates say this rate hike request needs careful scrutiny.

"These numbers are just getting out of control, and the Public Service Commission needs to put their foot down, put a stop to this, and go back and scrutinize every aspect of what's being proposed here," Stelling said.

The Public Service Commission will rule on Con Ed's proposed hikes later in 2025.

"It stinks. It really does."  

Customers had plenty to say about the proposed rate hike on Monday.

New Rochelle resident Stanton Blackman said he sometimes feels taken for a ride by his Con Ed bill.

"It stinks. It really does. Years ago it used to be affordable. Now, it's really through the roof," Stanton said.

"A rate hike at this stage, with everything going up, up, up, it's tough. It's tough," New Rochelle resident Mitch Fleiss said.

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