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More People Are Interviewing For Jobs With 'Chatbots'

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – If looking for a job wasn't stressful enough, imagine facing a "chatbot" for your interview.

Today, more and more companies are "employing" artificial intelligence as way to size up candidates. CBS2's Ali Bauman found out what it takes to beat the bot and get the job.

"It really addresses the black hole issue of recruiting where you as a candidate apply for a job and never hear back," Jeanne Meister, a partner at Future Workplace said.

Companies are able to scan the world very quickly looking for those candidates who have the skills they want and they're doing it with tools like "chatbots" to conduct interviews.

Meister says companies use these programs to connect and follow through with more candidates in less time, but you still have to know how to put your best self forward.

"Some companies employ video interviewing which has at its core data analytics - which will monitor not only what you say but how you're saying it," Meister explained.

"Your answers are run through an algorithm and it helps us to determine whether you would be a great fit for the role," Sarah Smart, the vice president for talent acquisition at Hilton added.

"It's about tone of voice, eye contact, how you answer the questions, and frankly whether or not you are enthusiastic about some of the tasks related to the roles we're talking to you about."

Japser Rey's first round interview with Hilton was with a chatbot.

"I didn't have to worry about working with a recruiter who was possibly distracted and not paying attention to my answers, and even worse could be biased in some way," Rey said.

The candidate said later rounds included video answers.

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"Make sure you're in a quiet spot, having done your research, take a deep breath, have followed the instructions on the screen, I promise it will be painless," Smart said.

Right now, chatbot interviews are used for mostly lower and entry level positions. Experts say you can expect to see them for some seasonal hiring in retail stores during the holidays.

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