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Cashless Tolls In Place At Hugh L. Carey Tunnel

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- Drivers coming into Manhattan through the Hugh L. Carey Tunnel won't have to stop to pay their toll as part of a MTA's new cashless "open road" tolling system.

The cashless tolls on the MTA's seven bridges and two tunnels are part of a $100 billion transportation overhaul, what Gov. Andrew Cuomo called the "largest infrastructure investment in the state's history."

Electronic devices will collect money from drivers through E-ZPass or a bill will be sent in the mail for those who pay with cash.

The Queens Midtown Tunnel is also set to go tollbooth free this month followed by the Rockaway bridges in the spring, the RFK and Verrazano–Narrows bridges in the summer and the Whitestone and Throgs Neck bridges in the fall.

Cuomo says commuters will feel the difference.

"It's faster, it speeds traffic, saves the average commuter 21 hours per year," he said. "Think about that. You get a day back per year."

But police are warning just because the tolls are out of sight, they should not be out of mind.

The MTA says drivers who don't pay their tolls are subject to a $50 violation fee, car registration suspensions and other enforcement actions.

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