Pushed to the brink, New Yorkers threaten rent strike against unresponsive landlord
NEW YORK -- Tenants of a building in Brooklyn are threatening a rent strike against one of the alleged 100 worst landlords in New York City until their complaints about mold and other hazards are addressed.
Leaking walls, peeling paint, and flickering lights also plague the building at 2500 Bedford Ave. in Flatbush, the tenants say.
Their landlord Jonah Bamberger is No. 16 on the city's "Worst Landlords of 2024" watchlist.
"A nightmare living in this building"
The tenants are filing a criminal contempt of court against Bamberger, alleging illegal conversions in apartments, like a kitchen converted to a bedroom and another room converted to a kitchen.
"God forbid there's a fire. The schematics of what the apartment actually is won't match to what the reality is. If somebody comes in, it can cause people not to be found, it can cause firefighters to be hurt," New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams said.
"I had an electrical fire ... which was never really fixed properly. The sparks were coming out of the socket," said a tenant named Maurice.
Some of the tenants decided to withhold rent over lacking repairs and constantly living without heat or hot water for at least the last nine years.
"Jonah told us that he's not doing anything in this building because it's not worth his money, and so I don't think he should get our money for rent," a tenant named Brandice said. "It is a nightmare living in this building daily."
She said the rent strike is their last resort.
Landlord cited for hundreds of violations
According to the city's landlord watchlist, Bamberger is responsible for three buildings, including 2500 Bedford which currently has 312 open housing violations.
"No tenant should live with mold, should live with leaks, not having heat or hot water," New York City Council Member Farah Louis said.
"To be honest with you, it's getting so bad, I would like to start weighing other options," the tenant Maurice said.
CBS News New York made repeated calls to Bamberger, but has been unable to make contact with him - a common complaint among his tenants.
In the process, we did reach Bamberger's former partner, who is also suing him.