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First, someone stole her pet dachshund. Then, the prank calls started.

Bronx woman's pet dachshund Milkshake stolen
Bronx woman's pet dachshund Milkshake stolen 01:40

NEW YORK - First, a Bronx woman's pet dachshund was stolen. Then she says she started to receive prank calls of someone barking. 

Monica Montanez said her 10-year-old dachshund Milkshake was stolen on May 4th, just after her son's birthday party. 

It happened just steps from her apartment at around 8 p.m. 

Milkshake the dachshund was stolen May 4, 2024 from an apartment building in the Bronx.  NYPD

"We were wrapping up, giving people cake to take home. We're like hey, where's Milkshake?" Montanez said. 

Wednesday, the NYPD released photos and video of the suspects. Police say they fled the apartment building with Milkshake, who is visible in the video. 

"She's always at my ankles, and it's just... I'm sad," Montanez said. "Who does that?"

Police released these images of the suspects in the theft of Milkshake, a dachshund who was stolen from an apartment building in the Bronx.  NYPD

Montanez said she posted flyers the next day, and shortly after she said prank calls with someone barking began rolling in. She said the calls are hurtful, adding that she got Milkshake at only three weeks old, and it feels like a piece of her family is gone without her. 

"I think they thought, oh, nobody's going to care, we can just take this little dog, and nobody's going to make a big tiff, and nobody's going to call anyone to find them. But not me," Montanez said. 

She said she doesn't recognize the two suspects in the video, but hopes someone does, and calls the police. 

"Bring her home. She'll be better here, happy here. This is where she belongs," Montanez said. 

Anyone with any information is asked to call the NYPD's Crime Stoppers hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477), or for Spanish, 1-888-57-PISTA (74782). You can also submit a tip via their website or via DM on Twitter, @NYPDTips. All calls are kept confidential.  

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