Boot Camp Gets New Jersey Women in Shape
MONTCLAIR, NJ (WCBS 880) - Do you want to get in shape and get your butt kicked at the same time? It's all the rage in New Jersey, as WCBS 880's Sean Adams reports.
LISTEN: Sean Adams reports
Call it a fitness revolution - an army of women, 60-80 strong, running, jumping, lifting, lunging, and sweating at 5:30 in the morning at Brookdale Park in Montclair.
"I'm hooked!" says participant Pam, "All the energy from all the other women and the way I look and feel."
Mike Smith founded Adventure Boot Camp a few years ago after noting its popularity in California.
LINK: New Jersey Adventure Boot Camp for Women
"Over the last two years, and this year especially, is the first year I've noticed a real big explosion," says Mike.
Coach Laura Powell says women can feel lost in a gym. She leads her troops in the battle of the bulge.
"A lot of them have busy lives with families and, you know, their kids have sports in the afternoon. So, the morning works well. It's the only time for them," says Laura.