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Black Bear Frightens Residents In Rockland County

WESLEY HILLS, NY (WCBS 880) - There's a bear on the loose northwest of New York City apparently scoping out garbage cans in search of grub.

WCBS 880's Paul Murnane On The Story


A WCBS 880 listener e-mailed photos e-mailed of a large, well-fed black bear roaming around in Wesley Hills. The bear is apparently so hungry and bold the listener says it lumbers in during the day.

The listener claims authorities are doing little about it.

Ramapo police told the Journal News that the bears aren't a threat to anybody.

Residents tell WCBS 880 reporter Paul Murnane that the town has called with warnings and advice to secure any outdoor food opportunities.

"We're told that they're not interested in people, that they're just interested in the food," said the resident.

One woman said she found large muddy paw prints on her patio after the rain.

Another opens her garage door carefully every morning so as to not startle anything lurking nearby.

Have you seen a bear roaming through Rockland County recently? Share your story in the comments section below!

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