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Bergen County Residents Say Coyotes Are Moving Out Of The Shadows And Attacking

WYCKOFF, N.J. (CBSNewYork) -- Bergen County residents are seeing more and more coyotes, and now the animals are attacking.

As CBS2's Matt Kozar reported, some people are even afraid to go out at night.

The coyotes lurk in the darkness, but have been coming out of the shadows and venturing closer to people's homes.

Bergen County Residents Say Coyotes Are Moving Out Of The Shadows And Attacking

It's happening so often in Wyckoff that residents are photographing the coyotes and posting the pictures on Facebook to let people know where they've been.

"It's our first line of defense. We have to say, 'Hey, I saw it on such and such street. I saw it over here. Be aware. Keep your pets in. Watch your kids,'" Sharon Bojcik said.

Bojcik has lived in Wyckoff for over a decade, but only started hearing the yelping at night this fall.

She's worried that the coyotes might go after her schnauzer, Duncan.

Last week, coyotes attacked a dog, but let him go after being shocked by his electric collar.

If you shine a flashlight into the woods at night, you see the coyotes. Their eyes glow. Police say they haven't received any reports of attacks on people, but is urging everyone to remain vigilant.

"It really concerns me, because I'm afraid to go outside," Lucy Evelich said.

Evelich saw two coyotes drinking from her backyard pond.

She and others point to over-development in the town that may be disturbing the animals.

Residents contacted New Jersey Fish and Wildlife, but said nothing has been done.

"The answers we get are, 'they're wild,' and 'there's really not a whole lot we can,'" Bojcik said.

Not a whole lot except for looking twice before stepping out at night.


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