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B&C Show Blog & Audio: What Now?

Bobby Dwyer

With the Jets on a bye and the Giants playing in Dallas tonight, the floor was wide-open to talk about the Yankees and their loss to the Rangers in the ALCS.  Couple that with the Phillies falling in the NLCS to the San Francisco Giants and Mets fans across the nation are grinning from ear-to-ear.  Craig was certainly one of them, as he officially shut the doors on the 'Mets Fans for Yankees Church' and he and Boomer put their Yankees pom-poms away and started talking about the future of those 'Not So Amazin' Mets.  Not to be forgotten though, the Giants make a trip to Texas to take on the Cowboys in 'Big-D' and the guys offered their thoughts of the big NFC East match-up, a game they both like the 'Boys' to win…
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Plus, Craig's eclectic I-Tunes collection and Jerry's informative update, Al's disappointing weekend and Craig's wife has thoughts of Boomer, Jerry 'Rello's' Cowboys flag and Craig's bold prediction, some inspirational marathon runners, a Moment that Craig was not too proud of and an 'Attention Grabber' of the sci-fi variety…

Before the start of the Show, Craig was preparing himself by listening to some interesting selections, from his vast I-Tunes library that included Britney Spears.  Boomer was within an ear shot and he didn't like what he was hearing, so he let Craig know.  From there we heard from Jerry, who even included some hockey in his very informative update, which pleased the Blonde Bomber…
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Al 'Hughes' is living it up as a single, 41 year-old man, further proof this weekend when we heard about him driving the Philadelphia to meet a 'friend' from Tampa and the two of them ended-up having lunch together and taking in the sights.  Way to seal the deal Al.  For their next 'date' Al is hoping to take her to a Dave Matthew's Band concert, so he turned to Craig to help him out with the tickets.  Then Craig leaked some information about a book deal he has in the works and he also let everyone know how his lovely life Kim recently was thinkin' about the Booms…
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The Cowboys have a huge game tonight against the Giants in Dallas, so Boomer & Craig were curious if our resident Cowboys fan, Jerry 'Rello/Rico' Recco to find out if he has hung his team flag yet.  They were very disappointed to learn he had not.  Craig then took the opportunity to make a couple of bold predictions about the Cowboys…
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When Craig informed Boomer that he was tipping the scales at over 200 lbs. these day, Boomer vowed to help him out with his weight battle.  That reminded Boomer of the NYC Marathon and the fact that there will be a few participants in this year's event, running for Team Boomer, who battle Cystic Fibrosis, which is the very disease that Boomer's Foundation has been established to combat…
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Craig was a little upset with Jerry for his highly anticipated Moment of the Day selection because it involved a story about his lovely wife Kim and the fact that she had Boomer on her mind over the weekend…
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***Now we get to one the Blog's most popular features, the daily 'Attention Grabber'.  We have teamed up with the folks over at and today we traveled north of the border and dove into the world of Science Fiction and came up with this Canadian Sci-Fi Goddess, as she has been called.  Her name is Erica Cerra and yes, she is a 'Hot Box of Rocks'…
(Click here to see the rest of her GALLERY)

**This is a compilation of all the above audio in one nice package for your convenience...So go ahead and Enjoy!!!
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See you all bright and early when we'll do it all over again, from 6am-10am on Sports Radio 66 WFAN, in New York. Until then I bid you all a fond farewell…

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