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B&C Show Blog & Audio: Reyes' Last Hurrah

Bobby Dwyer

Bernie Madoff spoke from prison and said that the Mets' ownership knew nothing of his multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme, Donald Trump expresses interest in buying a piece of the Mets and according to Craig, this will be Jose Reyes' last year playing for those Not So Amazins'.  So today's Radio Program had a bit of a Mets theme early on.  As far as Craig's claim about this being Reyes' last hurrah, Boomer says good riddance, while strangely enough Craig is ready to put the 27 year-old shortstop in the Mets Hall of Fame.  The Knicks didn't play last night, they will take on the Atlanta Hawks tonight at the Garden, but with the Carmelo Anthony trade winds whipping, the Knickerbockers came up on the Show early and often, as Craig demands they give-up whatever it takes to get 'Melo in a Knickerbockers uniform…
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Plus, Craig can hardly contain his excitement about playing football tomorrow and Jerry get excited about his update, Craig doesn't like the game Boomer says the Knicks are playing, a few possible replacements for Regis Philbin, A-Rod's tire work-out pales in comparison to Craig's push-up training methods, hot Tova teaches Jimmy a thing or two about sports, Jerry drops his Moment of the Day and an 'Attention Grabber' that is simply on-fire…

(Al 'Hughes' Dukes Photography)

Craig was so excited about playing the MSG TV crew in a game of touch football tomorrow that he wondered if he might need to wear some sort of adult diaper today in case his excitement boils over.  Jerry 'Rello' will not be playing in the game because he is either scared or has a prior commitment, I'm guessing he is scared, but regardless he was on-hand today to deliver his informative updates all morning and just after 6:30am we got our first taste of what Jerry was bringing to the table…
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Dallas Mavericks v Denver Nuggets
(Photo by Doug Pensinger/Getty Images)

The Knicks apparently have shot down the latest deal offered by the Nuggets, which would have landed them Carmelo Anthony, because they felt the asking price was too much.  This news made Craigie very unhappy and Boomer's explanation that the Knicks were just 'playing the game' didn't help ease his concerns.  From there they took a call from Jerry in Brooklyn who sided with Boomer on the issue and then the conversation shifted to a couple of men B&C feel are worthy of taking home…
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20th Annual Broadcasting & Cable Hall Of Fame Awards
(Photo by Jason Kempin/Getty Images)

The search is on to replace Regis Philbin, who on January 18th announced that he will step down as co-host of the show that bears his name, 'Live with Regis and Kelly'.  One name that has come up as his replacement was that of former NY Giant Michael Strahan, Boomer also suggested Mike Rowe, the host of 'Dirty Jobs' on Discovery Channel, to fill the void.  Inevitably the name Jim 'Hello Friends' Nantz came up and as always, laughter ensued…
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Creative Artists Agency Hosts Super Bowl Party
(Photo by George Pimentel/Getty Images for Creative Artists Agency)

Alex Rodriguez and Cameron Diaz (pictured above along with Katie Holmes & Tom Cruise) were photographed over the weekend while working out with tires down in Miami Beach.  Craig was thrilled to see the photos, he loves seeing a sweaty A-Rod, and the workout photos reminded Craig of the rigorous training he's been doing…
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(Al 'Hughes' Dukes Photography)

It's a Wednesday on the Boomer & Carton Morning Extravaganza and that means we play the wildly popular game/trivia game show, 'Do You Know More Sports Than...'  Today we had a lovely 'ova' by the name of Tova and she was up against Jimmy, who I assume is also lovely, although I've never met him.  Well, hot Tova brought her 'A-Game' and impressed everyone with her vast knowledge of everything sports, meanwhile Jimmy felt great shame for his performance…
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Jerry couldn't help but admire Craig's dedication to sculpting his body and when he went into detail about his workout routine during the 7 o'clock hour, Jerry knew he had his highly anticipated Moment of the Day…
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***Now we get to one the Blog's most popular features, the daily 'Attention Grabber'.  We have teamed up with the folks over at and today's Gal is from San Clemente, California and just happens to be one of the hottest 'AG's' of all-time.  Her name is Sara Spraker and her impressive picture spread will tell you all you need to know…HELLOOOOOO Sara!!!
(Click here to see the rest of her GALLERY)

***This is a compilation of all the above audio in one nice package for your convenience...So go ahead and Enjoy!!!
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See you all bright and early tomorrow when we'll do it all over again, from 6am-10am Monday thru Friday, on Sports Radio 66 WFAN, in New York. Until then I bid you all a fond farewell…

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