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B&C Morning Show: Celebrations, Congratulations & A Shot At Eli (Courtesy Kurt Warner)

After yesterday's celebration for the Giants Super Bowl victory over the Patriots, the city was still abuzz this morning just after 6 a.m. when Boomer & Carton took their seats in the Allstate Studio.

The Dynamic Radio duo opened up today's radio program with a little reflection on yesterday's festivities, which began with a stroll down the 'Canyon of Heroes' and concluded at MetLife Stadium - well, they did so after the Booms vented about his beloved Rangers getting blanked by the Devils 1-0 at the Garden last night.

After a Giants Super Bowl celebration recap, the guys shifted gears to the Jets, yes the good old Green & White.  The Jets organization took out a full-page ad in the New York Daily News to offer congratulations to the Giants on capturing their 4th Lombardi Trophy.  Craig was appalled by the gesture, calling it an embarrassment - while Boomer viewed it as a 'classy move' by Woody Johnson & Company.

Moving right along, back to the Giants as a former Big Blue signal caller doesn't believe Eli Manning is worthy of enshrinement in the Pro-Football Hall-of-Fame.  Kurt Warner was once Eli's mentor way back in 2004 and yesterday when asked about Eli's legacy after capturing his second Super Bowl MVP (exactly one more than Warner himself), his praise was limited.

Based on Warner's comments, Craig found himself strongly defending Eli.  As for Boomer, he said Warner is certainly entitled to his opinion, but that doesn't mean he has to agree with it.

So the guys had a lot to cover on today's edition of the Morning Extravaganza and they were in the right frame of mind to do so...

LISTEN: Celebrations, Congratulations & A Shot At Eli (Courtesy Of Kurt Warner) (02/08)

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