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B&C Morning Show: Boomer Says Blame Sanchez, Craig Says Blame Everyone

The Jets got 'Tebow-ed' last night in Denver and now - with a record of 5 wins and 5 losses - they face an uphill battle to even make the playoffs, let a lone win the Super Bowl, as their boisterous head coach Rex Ryan once again predicted prior to the start of the season.

Craig ran down the laundry list of things that ail the Jets, while Boomer said the blame rests squarely on the shoulders of third-year quarterback Mark Sanchez.

Boomer went on to praise the Jets defense - a unit that played great, outside of allowing Tim Tebow and the Broncos to go on a 12 play, 95 yards drive that lasted  4 minutes and 56 seconds and culminated in the game winning Tebow TD run.

Craig didn't want to hear it though, he said the entire team is flawed and that Boomer is giving the defense way too much credit.

Boomer talked about Rex Ryan failing to develop a sense of trust with his quarterback - and that's a problem.

All in all Craig is just fed up.  He was not defending Sanchez so much, as just pointing out that he is not the only problem.  He summed things up by saying the Jets are a joke, bunch of 'choke artists' that can't be trusted.

Although he didn't take it to the extent his radio partner did, Boomer did say he believes the Jets will likely have to run the table in order to make the playoffs.

We also got an update on the Dynamic Radio Duo's personal health, as the Blonde Bomber freaks out in an open MRI, while Craig is scheduled for major surgery...

LISTEN: Boomer Says Blame Sanchez, Craig Says Blame Everyone (11/18)

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