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B&C Morning Show: A-Rod's Struggles Become the Focus

After teammate Derek Jeter garnered all sorts of attention yesterday for his two home run performance against the Rangers, today the focus quickly shifted to the struggles of Alex Rodriguez (.263 - 5 HR - 19 RBI) and Craig doesn't like it one little bit.

I guess we really shouldn't be surprised, I mean this is New York, the Yankees did have a day off and the Mets are all but irrelevant.  But either way, Craig is tired of the bad treatment A-Rod continues to receive here in the Big Apple and today he declared him to be "the most under-appreciated athlete in NY sports history".

After listening to his argument, which Boomer is forced to do on a daily basis, it's really hard to argue with his point.  Despite all of his warts, A-Rod is still an all-time great and should be treated as such.

As far as the Mets, they played and lost to the Rockies by a score of 2-1 and their lack of offense firepower, led by David Wright, is still prevalent.  Now we hear rumblings about Wright's apparent bad back and how Chris Young's arm troubles will likely shelf him for the remainder of the season.  All in all things are not good in Mets land.

So all of that has Craig all kinds of fired-up and as usual the Booms is along for the ride...

LISTEN: A-Rod's Struggles Become the Focus (5/10)

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