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Baby born premature finally leaves Blythedale Children's Hospital after 490 days

Baby born premature finally leaves Blythedale Children's Hospital after 490 days
Baby born premature finally leaves Blythedale Children's Hospital after 490 days 02:21

VALHALLA, N.Y. -- There was a heartwarming celebration at Blythedale Children's Hospital on Wednesday.

More than a year after his birth, a premature boy went home. CBS New York learned more on how the little boy's journey became a testament to human resilience.

Born on June 27, 2022, Greyson emerged into the world long before he was due. At 16 weeks early, he was no bigger than a pound of flour and far more fragile.

"I was instantly worried, but this journey was going to be this long. So, a lot of days I was thinking my son was going home, but then another situation happened," mother Monae Harper said. "We were so scared. He looked like he would break. He was so delicate."

Greyson's first weeks of life were punctuated by the steady beep of monitors. He was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect, which was a mountain to climb before he could even lift his head.

"When they say roller coaster, they mean it. Many days are so good, but a lot of days are stomach crunching and you can't even hold your head up. I knew it was a long roller coaster, but I didn't know it was going to be this long," Harper said.

Beneath the burden of chronic lung disease, Greyson required 15 blood transfusions. Each one was a lifeline into the stormy seas of his struggle.

But within his tiny body, a strong spirit was beginning to stir.

"I thank God that we have our family and friends by our side from day one. They never gave up on us," Harper said.

Over the months, Greyson began to make strides that were nothing short of miraculous. Every milestone he reached was a testament to his tenacity.

"When kids start walking, he might be a little delayed. But he's perfectly fine with me. He's smart, sense of humor," father Jeffrey Butler said.

Greyson finally left the only home he has ever known after 490 days and headed for his real home.

"I think it's a story of a miracle. He never stopped fighting. There's a lot of situations I've been through that I wanted to just throw in the towel and I'm like if he could -- he's here every day, he never stops fighting -- then what am I gonna stop fighting for?" Butker said.

And as Greyson continues his journey, he's a reminder that strength comes in all sizes.

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