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After Sandy, Color Means Everything For Staten Island Homes

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) - In damaged neighborhoods in the city, there's something of a pecking order based on color in the aftermath of superstorm Sandy.

WCBS 880's Peter Haskell On The Story


The houses in the South Beach section of Staten Island are adorned with stickers from the Buildings Department. Red means unsafe, yellow is restricted, and green is safe.

"Some of my unfortunate neighbors have red and yellow. They have to, I guess, address their structural defects," said resident Noah Rosenblum, who feels lucky his sticker is green.

But it's not that he escaped unscathed.

With the help of strangers, the interior has been stripped down to the wood studs.

"Tear down the sheet rock, hallways, furniture, silk furniture, ruined furniture, refrigerator, appliances," he told WCBS 880's Peter Haskell.


He said he is overwhelmed.

"Liike a little ant trying to climb a mountain," he said. "It's frustrating. You would like to be there quickly, but, again, to do this properly you have to treat the mold and mildew and just wait for it to dry thoroughly."

But he did say he is still marveling at the help he received from strangers.

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