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5 MLB Players Who Could Make It In The WWE

By Adam W. Bloom

Have you ever found yourself wondering if certain athletes could excel in other professions?  After recently watching a WWE match and a baseball game  - I found myself asking that very question. Could MLB players actually excel in wrestling?  I would argue yes -  here are five examples I submit to the court….

5. David Ortiz

David Ortiz is ready to jump in the ring. Can't you see it now – a full arena chanting "Big Papi" - Ortiz dressed in red tights and a Red Sox cape – entering from the left side of the ring. After he dominates his opponents, Big Papi points both index fingers to the sky along with the rest of the crowd.

Nickname: Big Papi. Alternative nickname: The Shift

4. Jonathan Broxton

Standing at 6'4" and weighing 310 pounds – Jonathan Broxton is currently the heaviest ballplayer in the game. We'd imagine his signature final move would be climbing to the top of the ring and launching himself – arms extended like a bird – onto his outstretched opponent. 

Nickname: The Closer.

3. Bartolo Colon

At 43, Bartolo Colon is one of the oldest players in the game. At this point, he must be considering a job change (although his near perfect game recently was one for the ages). Bartolo is already close to the ideal wrestling weight and we're certain he would immediately become one of the more intimidating wrestlers in WWE.

Nickname: The Veteran. Alternative nickname: El Guapo.

2. Prince Fielder

You might have recently seen Prince's naked body on the cover of ESPN's body issue. He received much praise for his stature and unique body structure. That same praise would translate seamlessly to a WWE event – with Prince being carried out on a chariot wearing only a Mawashi belt (similar to what Sumo Wrestlers wear).  His signature move – a one handed swing final swing to his opponent's throat.

Nickname:The Prince.

Related: Gut or Guts? 8 Best Naked Prince Fielder Memes

1. Brian Wilson

This one is too easy – there isn't one picture of Brian Wilson out there that doesn't make you think he could excel in another sport like wrestling.  The beard is a fixture in the game and Brian has perfected it – an intimidating nest of blackness and unkemptness. His signature move – a piercing stare that would send his opponents writhing on the mat.

Nickname: The Bearded One. 

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