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Moving to New York? Here's a step-by-step guide to transferring your high-speed internet

You've found a place to live in New York. Congrats! But have you figured out what to do with your all-important internet service? 

It's exciting to move into an area where the glitz and glam of the city that never sleeps is always around you. But moving to the NYC area can be stressful, especially if you don't have your internet service set up at your new home yet. You don't want to get all the way to the heart of Manhattan (or Brooklyn, or Queens, or the Bronx) only to realize that you can't even hop online to check your email or order new furniture. 

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Luckily, transferring your home internet service from your old address to New York City doesn't have to be harder than hailing a cab. You can complete it quickly and move in to your new digs in a record amount of time. Best of all, you'll be able to use your home internet when you get there. Now that's something to get excited about. 

1. Contact your current internet service provider (ISP) before your NYC move

As you gear up for your move to the NYC area, you need to get in touch with your ISP well before your relocation date. You want to make sure you have as smooth of a transition as possible, and you want to be able to access your internet connection when you get there. Life in the city can be fast-paced and busy, especially if you have something like a new service address to set up. And the sooner your old provider knows about your relocation, the better -- especially since ISPs can get backed up with work orders in a surprisingly short amount of time.

You'll also need some time to figure out what service you'll be subscribing to if you haven't already done so. Not all major ISPs may cover every borough or neighborhood. If you talk to your ISP early, you can have an account specialist verify whether your new NYC address is within their service zone. If you're in luck, they'll help you with transitioning your service. This might require you to schedule a technician to visit your new NYC dwelling. You might even need a connection by way of an outlet install or wiring appointment. The most important thing to do here is work with your ISP so they can get you settled quickly and easily.

On the flip side, if your current ISP doesn't cater to your new NYC location, this heads-up allows ample time to talk about any potential contract endings and fees that might go with them. If you aren't under contract, you can figure out how and when to return any equipment you might need to give back before you move. Of course, you also get more time to search through all the best NYC internet service providers to see who you want to go with, too. 

2. Schedule your NYC internet transfer

When you're relocating to New York City, you should make sure you have a specific date for transitioning your internet service. It's a massive area, and one that you can bet is always hustling and bustling. You might be in for a long wait to set up a transfer appointment if you don't get ahead of things, so act fast, or you may find yourself waiting to get online long after you've moved into your new place.

Setting up an appointment gives you a time to meet with your technician, set up equipment, and learn about any NYC-specific offers or promotions that could save you money with your new service. Most importantly, it'll save you from the inconvenience of overlapping bills. You probably don't want to pay for services at both your old and new addresses or for days when you aren't connected. No one wants to double dip with services they don't need, and this is a crucial money-saving step.

Finalizing a specific transfer date is simply prudent. It guarantees that as you settle into your new NYC home, be it for remote work, online studies, or coordinating the numerous aspects of your move, your internet is primed and ready. Given the city's fast-paced nature, ensuring your internet is set up promptly is crucial.

One last important thing you'll want to do is check what internet service your new residence may be wired for. Some apartment buildings are only set up for one specific provider. If you're moving into an apartment, which you likely are, check your rental agreement to make sure that your chosen service provider is one that your new home supports. You'll be forced to go with a different company if, say, you prefer Xfinity but your apartment only allows for Spectrum connections. 

3. Get all your devices NYC-ready

Before your big move, make sure all the equipment you're taking with you to New York City works correctly. Check out your modem and router, but also make sure your computer, laptop, phone, and everything else you need to get online works properly. Run any updates and have everything in working order before you pack it or make your move. That means once you get to the city, you won't have to pay potentially higher prices for repairs or wait longer to get online.

This pre-move check is just good practice for any move you make, whether it's for a new internet service address or something else entirely. Even when you're at your new home in the city, make it a point to regularly test and reboot your equipment to make sure it's running the way it should. It might feel like a pain, but it'll end up saving you lots of money over time.

Keep an eye on your equipment's physical conditions too. If you have anything like exposed wires, cracked casing, broken antenna, or anything out of the ordinary, get it replaced or buy your own new replacement. Relocating might make any issue you're having even worse when your stuff gets jostled around in a car or when checked in luggage, so it's always better to be prepared before making your NYC transition. 

4. Activate your internet at your new NYC address

Your next step is to have everything installed and activated at your NYC address prior to your move-in. That way, all you really need to do is unpack and get cozy. Getting this done as soon as possible has plenty of advantages, really -- most importantly, like avoiding any coverage gaps. As soon as you step into your new NYC home, you'll be online. So whether you need to find the number of a great pizza joint or call up a store to ask a question, you'll be good to go.

You should also take this opportunity to talk to your technician while you have them there, if you do have an appointment, about the best place to put your equipment for the best connection. Given the diverse types of buildings in NYC, from lofts to high-rise apartments, you never quite know what kind of issues you might run into. It's best to go ahead and have your service installed while you can be there to ask questions and watch what's being done in real-time. 

5. Turn off your old internet service before your NYC move

It might seem counterintuitive to cut off your old internet service a few days before you move out. But there are plenty of reasons that you might need it before you go. Hear us out: In a bustling area like NYC, you've got a lot to worry about as it is. You need to worry about getting everything to your new place in one piece. With all the errands you'll be running, especially if you're living in the heart of the city, you want to prep as well as you can. You probably won't be doing any binge-watching Netflix or hardcore gaming in the days right before your move. Why not make 100% sure you're ready to go and save some cash by disconnecting your service early?

As we mentioned earlier, you won't have to worry about overlapping service fees. Also, some ISPs that bill based on usage might give you a cheaper rate or prorate your internet service bill. It doesn't hurt to ask. And letting your ISP know your plans keeps things running like a well-oiled machine. Drop off all your old equipment, settle any outstanding fees, and you'll be free to go. Fly away freer than a bird to your new home in NYC with your new internet service! 

6. Test your internet speed and connectivity

Now that you're all set up and running in your New York City home, you need to make sure that your internet is running properly. Your technician might have ran a few tests, but you won't know if it meets your own standards until you jump in and take the reins.

Try to connect with all your devices, from your laptop to your gaming consoles, both wired and wireless. If everything works great, you're on the road to a successful transfer. But don't leave the marker for success just "it works": also make sure you're getting the kind of speed you're paying for with your ISP package.

Try a free online speed test to see where you're at. They can serve up readings on both your upload and download speeds. Look for numbers that match or are as close as possible to the speeds on your plan's contract or summary page. Did you sign up for a 100 Mbps package? You should see speeds around there most of the time, though it's natural if it's not always as fast. There will be some slight deviation from time to time as these connections are not gong to be lightning quick 100% of the time -- though if you're seeing huge drops consistently, that spells trouble.

If everything looks good and you're satisfied with your ISP's performance, you can officially call this one quits. Congratulations and welcome to New York! 

What if my new New York address isn't in my old ISP's coverage area?

In the NYC area, there are several major broadband carriers. If you're moving in from another part of New York or moving in from elsewhere in the country, you need to make sure you check whether your current provider services your new address. In many cases, your old provider likely won't service the new location. And if they don't, you'll have to explore local ISPs that cover your new NYC location. If they do, however, it's as easy as contacting your provider and discussing a transfer, then nailing down the specifics.

When preparing to move, reach out to your internet service provider to see if your new NYC address is in their service area. If it is, they can guide you on how to shift your service smoothly. This could mean scheduling a technician visit for setup or even wiring a new connection. By handling this ahead of time, you'll ensure uninterrupted internet access from the moment you move in.

Navigating the internet landscape in NYC might be different from what you're used to, but with a bit of preparation, you can make the transition as seamless as possible.

How do you select a new ISP in NYC if your previous one doesn't cover your new location?

Picking out a new ISP in NYC can be daunting, but sometimes it's unavoidable. Start your search by researching the providers in NYC. Weigh all the important aspects like the speeds that are available, potential data restrictions, and monthly charges.

Look out for contracts and obligations as well as savings on going with a certain company. Make sure you know the ins and outs of what the service that's being offered to you should provide. Be wary of fees that you might have to pay to terminate your contract early as well.

One of the most important things to consider is what type of internet connection you'll go with. Your decision will influence how fast and how reliable your connection will be in most cases. Given NYC's diverse set of internet options, you should have plenty of different services to choose from.

With that in mind, also make sure that the company you decide to go with has decent customer service options. A lapse in support when you need it the most can be exasperating. Read online reviews, ask the locals, and do your own research before committing. 

Can you keep using the same modem and router after moving to NYC?

You likely won't have to give up your modem and router just because you're moving to New York City. But it isn't a certainty that your equipment will work once you move. Make sure to check your modem's compatibility with their infrastructure. Some ISPs mandate specific modem models, while others offer a bit more leeway. You'll have to determine whether your current equipment fits the bill. You may very well be required to buy or rent something else.

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