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Zodiac: Ophiuchus Has Big Stars Under Its Sign

Actor Brad Pitt at the European premiere of the movie "The Tourist" in Berlin on Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2010. AP

NEW YORK (CBS) Sorry, Sagittarius. Your star quotient just went down.

A report in the Minneapolis Star Tribune contends that our understanding of the signs of the zodiac are off by about a month. That report also mentions that, along with the 12 zodiac signs everyone recognizes, there is a 13th that the Babylonians discarded long ago - Ophiuchus.

PICTURES: New Zodiac Signs

It was omitted because the Babylonians wanted to have just 12 astrological signs per year. But if you follow the new chart and were born between Nov. 29 and Dec. 17, you can now classify yourself as an Ophiuchus.

The new sign boasts a lot of star power. Take a look at some of the celebrities who can call Ophiuchus their own:

Britney Spears (Born Dec. 2)

Julianne Moore (Born Dec. 3)

Jay-Z (Born Dec. 4)

Taylor Swift (Born Dec. 13)

Brad Pitt (Born Dec. 18)

Christina Aguilera (Born Dec. 18)

If you like your old zodiac, don't fret - other reports are assuring nervous astrology fans that their signs aren't changing. And who's going to stop Brad Pitt if he wants to stay a Sagittarius?

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