Yoga In Bed
As the popularity of yoga continues to grow, so, too, does the number of workouts emerging from it.
Among the latest are ones you can do – in bed!
Nationally certified New York yoga instructor and Yale grad Edward Vilga developed several.
They're in a new DVD called, appropriately enough, "Yoga in Bed," based on an earlier paperback titled, "Yoga in Bed: 20 Asanas to do in Pajamas."
Vilga stopped by The Early Show Tuesday, along with his friend, Broadway actress Cristy Candler, who demonstrated several of the exercises on the DVD.
In addition to "Yoga in Bed," Vilga has penned three books, and will be out with another, "Yoga for Suits," in November.
His hectic teaching and writing schedule inspired "Yoga in Bed." He says he found himself having very little time to practice yoga, and would end up doing brief, ten-minute moves in the morning and again at night. He quickly realized that these mini-routines were actually quite beneficial.
The DVD features everything from easy-to-master physical poses to meditation practices. It has a morning routine to get you energized before you start your day, and an evening routine to relax you right before bed. The soothing background music and detailed instructions make them easy and fun to do.
To watch The Early Show segment,