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World's Funniest Sales Blooper Videos

In this blog, we mostly talk about B2B sales. However, there's a whole world of B2C where lots of selling action takes place.

One of the most "traditional" of these environments is the home shopping networks, where the time-honored art of the carnival pitch is still practiced.

However, because those channels are live, and on the air all the time, there's a visual record of selling bloopers -- the kind of thing that, when it happens during a B2B sales call, you're really glad that you aren't on camera.

Anyway, I've collected 9 sales bloopers from various shopping channels along with an honest-to-goodness (and very rare) B2B sales blooper that got caught on a security camera.

I think you'll find all of them amusing. (My favorite is the one with Paula Abdul in it.)

Click here for the first sales blooper »
By the way, if you like this kind of stuff, check out these previous posts:

NUMBER 10 Remember the old John Belushi samurai salesman routine? Truth is stranger than fiction...

Click here for the next sales blooper » NUMBER 9 As sales professional can tell you, sometimes demonstrations don't work as planned...

Click here for the next sales blooper » NUMBER 8 Be sure that you're sitting down whenever you pitch -- or are pitched at...

Click here for the next sales blooper » NUMBER 7 One thing is certain: being a sales professional is not for the faint of heart...

Click here for the next sales blooper » NUMBER 6 You may be a big star, but it might be a good idea to save the martini for after the sales call...

Click here for the next sales blooper » NUMBER 5 A real sales professional can sell anything! Even world's strangest horse...

Click here for the next sales blooper » NUMBER 4
Traditionally, a sales job is a good way to climb the corporate ladder! Or maybe not...

Click here for the next sales blooper » NUMBER 3
Always be certain that you know what a customer is going to say, before you ask him to be a referral account...

Click here for the next sales blooper » NUMBER 2
No matter what happens during your sales process, be certain to keep your cool...

Click here for the next sales blooper » NUMBER 1
And finally, from the world of B2B sales, be sure to make a graceful exit at the end of that sales call...

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