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Euro: Birth Of A New Currency
On Jan. 1, 2002, the European Union made change. The euro monetary unit went into the pockets of 300 million people in 12 countries. Learn more about the new currency, who's using it and how it stacks up against the U.S. dollar.

Nuclear Armed World
Explore the world's nuclear weapons powers, how the National Missile Defense system would work and a history of the age of nuclear weapons.

Middle East Peace
Israel and its neighboring Arab states have labored through more than 50 years of religious distrust and political differences to secure a life of everlasting peace in the world's most unstable region.

The Fall of the U.S.S.R.
Find out how a coup caused the breakup of one of the world's super powers. Meet the key players, view images of the coup and learn more about how the former Soviet republics are faring today.

Castro and Cuba
The communist country and its fiery leader have dogged the United States for more than 40 years. Explore the Caribbean island, it's relations with America, how hundreds have escaped and Fidel Castro's past.

Summit of Americas
Find out which countries are represented at the Summit of the Americas in Quebec City and see the uprising surrounding this meeting of democratic leaders.

Eye on China
America’s relationship with communist China has grown from an adversarial and warring confrontation in the 1950s and ‘60s to one of cultural and economic trade. Explore the history, people and economy of China and discover America’s political history with the world’s most populous nation.

Eye On Australia
Explore the history, geography, climate, and wildlife of the land down under!

U.S. Embassy Bombings
Four men were convicted in the twin U.S. embassy bombings in Africa. Review the history of the attacks, meet the defendants and explore the worldwide network of a terrorist mastermind.

Iran Hostage Crisis
Look back at the Iran hostage crisis that ended when Ronald Reagan was sworn in as president.

Gulf War: 10-Year Anniversary
Look back at the War in the Persian Gulf.

The China Challenge
Review the collision between an American EP-3E Aries II spy plane and a Chinese F-8 jet near the southern Chinese coast. Explore the plane's specifications and the 24-member U.S. crew.

The British Royals
Trace the British Royals' family tree, take a look at 50 years of Queen Elizabeth II's reign and see images from the life of the centenarian Queen "Mum" and the "Queen of Hearts," the late Princess Diana.

Undersea Terror: Kursk Submarine
Russia's nuclear submarine Kursk sinks in the Barents Sea, taking with it the lives of 118 seamen.

Korea: The Forgotten War
The Korean War erupted on Jue 25, 1950, and for half a year the rapid thrusts of combat raged up and down the peninsula. The fighting settled into 2-1/2 years of trench warfare before a truce was signed, creating the two Korean nations.

Northern Ireland
For centuries a bloody conflict has raged in Northern Ireland between extremist Protestants, loyal to British rule, and nationalistic Catholics, hoping to be united with the Republic of Ireland.

Journeys of Faith
Follow Pope John Paul II's early life, experiences as pope and travels around the world. Find out more about the Vatican and the men in the running to eventually take his place.

The Fall of Saigon
As Communist troops overrun the South Vietnamese capital of Saigon in 1975, U.S. Marines coordinate the final evacuation of embassy personnel. Revisit the final chapter of America's struggle in a decade-long war with pictures, maps, video and stories.

United Nations
For more than 50 years the United Nations has struggled as an international governing body trying to forge peace, end poverty and heal the world.

Eye on Yugoslavia
Follow Yugoslavia's political and social strife as it transforms from a former communist nation to a fractured Balkan state.

USS Cole Explosion
Get the details on the explosion of the destroyer USS Cole in the Yemeni port city Aden.

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