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Will Gregg Dethrone Tom?

Well, Gregg had his way. Stephenie's torch was snuffed, and now he may have the upper hand in the game... That is, if Fireman Tom does not win yet another immunity challenge.

Perhaps Thursday night, Gregg will carry out his plan to get rid of Tom and crown himself king; after all, he already has Lady Jenn by his side.

And yet, in the last episode, Tom clearly sensed not everything is going well in his kingdom, and things could get very interesting Thursday night.

The question is: Will Caryn be the next to go? She did not sound too convincing to Tom after she disclosed the girls' plans against him. But perhaps now that she knows disclosing all that she knows is not a good strategy, this lawyer will change her tune.

What is certain is that this is the day the Survivors will get to see their loved ones signaling that the time is getting near for the big finale. For now, it is time for alliances to crumble and true colors to be revealed.

Friday morning, don't miss the morning-after interview on The Early Show. That's when it will be revealed what the cameras did not show on Palau. Call with your questions during the show at 1-800-377-1718.

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