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Wildest "All-Access" Adventure Yet

Dave Price has taken lucky traveling partners to some exotic, distant places on "All-Access" adventures, but the one this weekend is the most exotic, and furthest away yet.

Dave and Ariel Biscan, of Chicago, will hop on a plane and travel a whopping 18 hours to — South Africa!

Dave picked Ariel out of a crowd at the Navy Pier in Chicago to accompany him.

She was so excited, she started crying.

Marc Cavaliere, president of the Americas division of South African Airlines, said Dave and Ariel will go in grand style, in the premium class cabin of one of the carrier's "next generation, luxury" jetliners.

And the president of the South African Tourism Bureau, Dr. Felicia Suttle, told Dave and Ariel what's in store for them: visits to Johannesburg, Cape Town and — the jungle, for a safari!

What's more, she's going to be with them as their special tour guide! All-Access, indeed!

Ariel said she's "speechless, excited, in awe. Thank you so much. It's a dream come true!"

Tune in to The Early Show Wednesday, when Dave will show viewers the sights and sounds of what promises to be a wild weekend!

What's your fantasy adventure?

Tell us and, if you can be in one of the cities Dave is visiting across the country on Fridays through March 23, you could be whisked away on an "All-Access" weekend, too. On Friday, Feb. 23, join him at the Navy Pier in Chicago.

If you can't get to the cities Dave is heading to, you can win an amazing "All-Access Pass" weekend by playing at home. Each Wednesday through March 28, we'll ask a question about his past weekend's "All-Access" adventure. Every correct answer gets you a chance at the ultimate "All-Access" weekend — a trip for two to the Tony Awards, to be broadcast live on CBS on June 10, 2007.

Click here for details and to enter.

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