Wife of badly wounded Colo. victim has baby
(CBS News) AURORA, Colo. - Sixteen of the dozens of people hurt in the Colorado theater massacre remained hospitalized Tuesday.
Twelve people were killed in the carnage.
Among the victims still in the hospital is Caleb Medley, who was shot in the eye. He's in intensive care, under heavy sedation, in the same hospital where his wife gave birth Tuesday to the couple's first child, Hugo Jackson Medley.
Seth Medley says his brother is in critical but stable condition and making some improvements in small steps, but added that doctors say he's not anywhere near out of the woods.
One of Caleb and Katie's best friends is Michael West, who's known Katie since kindergarten and Caleb since they started high school. West says Caleb can "make you laugh at the most mundane things."
Complete coverage: Massacre in Aurora
Caleb's family has been told his medical bills could total $2 million. So, West is trying to raise money.
"Caleb doesn't have any insurance, so I put together a website," West says.
So far, the site has raised more than $57,000 for Caleb and his family, but much more is needed.
Meanwhile, Warner Brothers is reportedly making a "substantial" donation to victims of the Colorado shooting. "The Hollywood Reporter" quotes sources as saying the studio behind "The Dark Knight" is in talks with the governor's office in Colorado about a lump-sum contribution.
West says Caleb was looking forward to being a dad. "We've talked about it, because we know he can hear us. He needs to get better, because he needs to be a dad. God. Jesus." Web said through tears.
Even under heavy sedation, Caleb has somehow managed to make his friends and family feel just a little better.
"He will close his hands. He will squeeze, and he has given a thumbs-up," says Seth. "He's gonna fight through this so that he can be with his newborn son as much as possible."
"He's a strong guy," Seth says. "I'm not used to seeing him like that. I don't ever want to see him like that again."
For Caleb and Katie, the midnight movie was meant to be their last night out before they needed a babysitter.
Caleb hopes to become a stand-up comedian and has series of videos online, some sharing his comedy, some doing movie reviews.
Among his reviews -- one of the previous Batman movie. "If at the end of "The Dark Knight you are asking why is Commissioner Gordon chasing after Batman, don't go see this movie," he says.
If you want to help, donations for Caleb Medley can be made here.
To see John Blackstone's report, click on the video in the player above.