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Age: 45

Born: March 2, 1953 in Janesville, Wisconsin

Education: Harvard University, J.D. (1979); Oxford University, B.A. (1977); University of Wisconsin, B.A. (1975)

Military: none

Family: married - Mary; 4 children each from previous marriages

Hometown: Middleton, Wisconsin

Religion: Jewish

Career: U.S. Senator (1992-present); Wisconsin State Senator (1983-93); attorney (1979-85); Professor (1985)

· Incumbent Senator Russell Feingold is a Rhodes Scholar. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1992, upsetting the Republican Incumbent Sen. Robert Kasten, with 53% of the vote.

· As a Wisconsin State Senator, FeingoldÂ's signature issue was the prohibition of bovine growth hormones, a particular concern for the dwindling number of WI dairy farmers. He was a vocal opponent of Gov. Tommy ThompsonÂ's welfare reform plan and tax cuts.

· In both the 1992 primary and general election Senate campaigns, Feingold opted for humorous rather than negative ads. In one TV spot, Elvis was alive and endorsing Feingold. In another, the candidate opened his home closet and proclaimed he had no skeletons.

· In his first term, Feingold has not been shy about opposing party leadership or the President. In February 1997, he called for an independent counsel to investigate ClintonÂ's fundraising scandals.

· Feingold was the co-sponsor of the bipartisan McCain-Feingold campaign finance laws. He identified three ways the election system could be changed: imposing voluntary limits on campaign spending, requiring a portion of campaign contributions come from in-state donors, and limiting the amount wealthy candidates can donate to their own campaign.

· Feingold is always on the lookout for government waste. He questioned spening at the PentagonÂ's medical school and on the Supercollider.

· Feingold wants to prohibit fellow Congressmen from using frequent flyer miles earned while working.

· In the Senate, Feingold has earned a reputation as a liberal on cultural and foreign issues; he has a more moderate record on economic issues. The Liberal Americans for Democratic Action gave Feingold a 100% rating.

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