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​Whoopi Goldberg takes heat for backing Bill Cosby

Whoopi Goldberg has emerged as Bill Cosby's most prominent public defender this week and she has an angry message for her critics: Back off!

Goldberg says Wednesday on ABC's "The View" that she's gotten threats since she expressed support for Cosby on the show the previous day.

Goldberg says she takes rape and sexual assault very seriously but also believes in the principle of innocent until proven guilty.

"He has not been taken to jail or tried on anything," she said, adding, "So back off me."

"Not any of you threatening me or telling me you're coming after me because you don't like what I said is going to change the fact that no one has convicted him," 'The View" co-host said.

When sexual assault allegations against Cosby resurfaced last winter, Goldberg said she would be reserving judgment on him.

Then Tuesday on ABC's "The View" she said, "You are still innocent until proven guilty."

Documents unsealed Monday show Cosby admitted in 2005 to obtaining powerful sedatives with the intent of giving them to women he wanted to have sex with.

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