Who Grew This 'Daisy'?
The Gore campaign said a new Republican attack advertisement modeled after the infamous "Daisy" commercial that President Johnson used in 1964 is a "desperate tactic" by conservatives designed to help George W. Bush.
A mysterious group is urging viewers to vote Republican with TV ads in a handful of states that recall the 1964 ad, which suggested that Johnson's opponent, Barry Goldwater, might get the nation into a nuclear war.
The original ad created such a negative reaction that it was pulled after only one showing.
The new ad accuses President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore of giving away nuclear technology to China in exchange for campaign contributions. Like the original spot, it shows a little girl plucking petals from a daisy.
"Red China was given access and sold vital technology that will give China the ability to threaten our homes with long-range nuclear warheads," an announcer says.
Both ads end with a countdown to a nuclear blast.
The newest ad repeats allegations by Republicans, though unproven, that China stole nuclear secrets from the United States and dumped money into the 1996 elections.
The Bush campaign quickly distanced itself from the ad. Karen Hughes, Bush's communications director, said the ad is an anonymous attack commercial "in no way associated with our campaign."
"George Bush condemns these types of anonymous attack ads," she said. She also said Bush strategist Karl Rove had called Cramer and asked him "to pull down that ad."
Hughes said Bush "believes that there is no place in our politics for this kind of anonymous attack ad" and would support legislation to require that ad sponsors be identified.
The commercial begins by crediting the GOP for ending the Cold War and closes with the admonition to "vote Republican."
Gore spokesman Chris Lehane called the ad a "desperate tactic" similar to efforts during the final days of the Republican primary to defeat Sen. John McCain, who ran against Bush in the primaries.
"This is the hidden hand of the right wing swooping in to help Texas Governor George Bush," Lehane said.
The New York Times reports the ad is sponsored by a Texas-based nonprofit organization, Aretino Industries.
The group's Carey Cramer distributed information about the spot, but would not say who was paying to air the ad. He said his group hopes to spend $500,000 between now and Election Day, and has bought time in Orlando, Fla.; Pittsburgh; Sacramento, Calif.; Lansing, Mich.; and Springfield, Mo.