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What's Holding up Progress in Haiti?

Haiti Six Months After Quake 03:26

While some in Haiti have settled into a nightly routine, many more still cannot sleep.

Claudette Rosier, 27, fears the darkness. She's lived in a sprawling tent city for six months, reports CBS News correspondent Seth Doane.

She said that girls were raped in the camps.

Daylight reveals another set of problems. Progress, often hidden by plastic sheeting, and piles of rubble.

While some of the streets and sidewalks have been cleared - many more are still a disaster. It's estimated that there is enough debris in Port-au-Prince to fill the Louisiana Superdome five times over. That's 25 million cubic yards of debris - 95 percent of it has been here since the earthquake.

"Until we address this rubble issue - on a mass scale - OK, all of the other programs that focus on recovery - is going to take time," said Matthew Marek with the American Red Cross.

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Americans donated $468 million to Haiti through the American Red Cross. So far, about $150 million has been spent.

Marek insists progress has been made.

"If you peel away all of these relief things that we have done - it would be much worse," Marek said.

Other charities are pitching in, too. UNICEF provides fresh drinking water for hundreds of thousands. The World Food Programme has put 35,000 back to work - paid $5 a day in both food and cash. Habitat for Humanity is building transitional shelters - 70 a week.

But those numbers hardly compare to these: of the 1.5 million Haitians displaced by the earthquake, it's estimated that fewer than 30,000 have moved into permanent shelter. Most live in spontaneous settlements, like one that popped up in an old sports complex.

A former English teacher, Alfred Gelin, cannot find work and is living on a former basketball court.

"We need help, but the help we need is to find some job," Gelin said.

His middle-class life gone, he now shares a tent with his sister's family.

She was also in the school system. Now she's helped start one near their tent. Though there's not much here, they do have chairs and chalk, and a lot of determination.

"How can we ever really rebuild our country if we don't have education?" Mytha Gelin asked.

Aid groups here are quick to remind us that Haiti was the poorest country in the Western hemisphere before the earthquake. All but one of the government buildings were destroyed, nearly 20 percent of government workers were killed, so trying to organize this aid has been a challenge.

According to the international commission charged with overseeing Haiti's reconstruction, 49 countries have pledged more than $5 billion to Haiti's recovery efforts over the next two years. CBS News anchor Katie Couric asked Doane where that money is.

A lot of the money has never made it here, Doane said. Only about 10 percent of that money has been dispersed here in Haiti, and the government here is calling on the World Bank to get more money here faster. Government officials here say they have complied with all international checks and balances and need a schedule of payments so they can hire people and buy equipment to get more work done.

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