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Whatever Happened To The $2 Bill?

Last week, a new and improved $20 bill made its debut. But whatever happened to another greenback - the $2 bill? Dick Sheeran of CBS Station KYW-TV in Philadelphia reports.

Two-dollar bills remain folded up in wallets, tucked away between I.D. cards. Like Rodney Dangerfield, the bill gets no respect. No one likes to take them.

Doug Baker works at a cash register in Center City, Philadelphia. He doesn't see many $2 bills.

"People don't want them," Baker says.

The bill, with President Thomas Jefferson on one side and the Declaration of Independence on the other, is the loneliest of bills.

The Federal Reserve Bank still has a good supply of them. Not many people seem to want them, although few are turned in.

"We get very few sent back to us. We do get them. We get a handful every day. But very, very few," says a Federal Reserve official.

But some people save them at home, hoping they will be worth more in the future.

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